Newsletters - October 2003

US Patent # 6,607,712 titled “Composition and methods containing an antimicrobial essential oil extended from Coleus forskohlii” was granted to Sabinsa Corporation on August 19, 2003.

The patent describes an essential oil composition from Coleus forskohlii used in compositions and methods for the treatment of skin infections and in the prevention and treatment of dental caries.

Coleus oil is an essential oil extracted from the roots of Coleus forskohlii using a proprietary, solvent-free supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process. The oil finds useful applications in flavor and fragrance preparations as well as in aromatherapy. The Sabinsa patent focuses on novel applications in skin care and oral care preparations wherein a composition of the oil was shown to have potent antimicrobial activity.

This oil composition is particularly effective against Propionibacterium acnes, the microorganism implicated in the acne as well as against other microbes known to cause skin infections. Another potential application is in oral care products where the oil was found to be effective in preventing the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a causative microorganism for dental caries.

Over forty compounds belonging to four classes of aroma compounds have been recovered from oils obtained from various indigenous genotypes of the Coleus forskohlii.. These include sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene alcohols, monoterpenoids and diterpenoids. The process patented is for a novel composition of the oil prepared using solvent free supercritical extraction to concentrate the antimicrobial compounds in optimal proportions.


  • Sami-Sabinsa Group
    19/1 & 19/2, Ⅰ Main, Ⅱ Phase
    Peenya Industrial Area
    Bangalore - 560 058
    Karnataka, India

  • +91 80 6852 7706


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