White Papers

Superior Brain and Neuronal Health Ingredient

As the baby boomers come to age, we realize that a longer life span has challenges, such as aging and cognitive decline. Discover Sabroxy®, a potent flavonoid for brain health and beyond from Ayurveda.


Why is selenium so important? As a “trace” mineral selenium (Se) is a vital micronutrient, with multiple roles in the growth and functioning of living cells in higher animals and humans. Selenium forms about 14 mg of the proximate composition of the average human. Adequate selenium nutrition is essential to...


The latest trend in skin care is the sophisticated use of supplements and nutrients to obtain cosmetic benefits. This approach in the skin care segment is called ‘Nutricosmetics’. It is also known as ‘beauty from within’, ‘oral cosmetics’, ‘beauty pills’, or ‘eat yourself beautiful’. Hence nutricosmetics are dietary ingredients and antioxidants that enhance the structure, function, and appearance of skin, nails, and hair.


In this white paper, we explore the concepts of immunity, the development of the immune system as well as explore the role of some nutrients based on Ayurveda and other traditional knowledge, and modern science to help communities all over the world.


The prevalence of diabetes is increasing due to changing lifestyle which encompasses increasing prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity. According to WHO, in 2014, 9% of adults worldwide, 18 years and older had diabetes. Further, diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths in 2012. It is estimated that more than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low- and middle- countries...


Garcinia is a large genus of polygamous evergreen trees and shrubs belong to the family Clusiaceae, which are widely distributed in Asia, Southern Africa, and Polynesia. Garcinia indica, a tropical evergreen tree of moderate-to-large size, is the most common among more than 20 species found in different regions of India. This tree grows extensively in the Western Ghats of India, viz. Konkan region of Maharastra, Goa, coastal areas of Karnataka...


Saberry® is a proprietary patent pending, extract of fruits of Emblica officinalis Gaertn.(synonymous with Phyllanthus emblica) (Euphorbiacae), more commonly known as, Indian Gooseberry. The fruits of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. known in India as Amla(Sanskrit name Amalaki), are consumed as fruit, or in the form of food products. In the Ayurvedic tradition, Amalaki is regarded as "one of the best rejuvenating herbs."...


Protein, a powerful macronutrient like carbohydrates and fat, is a fundamental, structural and functional element of every living cell of the body, which plays an essential role in a wide range of metabolic interactions. In addition, our body utilizes this nutrient to build, repair and maintain several tissues and to...

 Blood Sugar Management Support

According to WHO, diabetes mellitus is a chronic/metabolic disease that results when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (i.e. a defect in its secretion) or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces (i.e. a defect in its action) or both — leading to hyperglycemia — a...

Probiotics For Health And Well Being

Probiotics has a long history of human use, and cultured dairy products, for example, are traditionally consumed in several parts of the world. The FAO/WHO defines probiotics as 'Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host' (FAO/WHO, 2001). Across the globe, about 20....

Excellence in Research and Manufacturing

Sabinsa Corporation, founded in 1988, is a manufacturer and supplier of herbal extracts, cosmeceuticals, minerals and specialty fine chemicals. Sabinsa’s mission is to provide alternative and complementary natural products for human nutrition and well-being. Over 27 years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 100 standardized botanical extracts and privately...

Adulteration of Natural Extracts and Quality Changes

Natural extracts have a huge acceptance among consumers owing to their holistic approach in managing their holistic approach in managing several health conditions. The increased knowledge and awareness on the use of natural products has in turn increased their demand in the global market. To cater to this demand, there...

Heat of the Moment

Most degenerative diseases are driven by chronic inflammation. The old school of thought believes that inflammation represents the healing process. While this is acceptable to a certain extent; when this inflammation becomes chronic, it manifest itself as a disease condition. Research on inflammation today is no loner limted to studies...

Brain Trust of Ingredients

The brain is the master regulatory organ that directly or indirectly controls the functin of all other organs and tissues in the body. Any dysfunctions in the brain eventually have an effect on other body functions. The human brian controls the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and regulates...

Advancements in Turmeric: Recent Studies, Debates & Takeaways

Scientific research and clinical studies in the modern era validate turmeric’s traditional use, particularly looking at curcuminoids produced by the rhizome of Curcuma longa. Turmeric’s principal curcuminoid is curcumin, turmeric’s primary pharmacologically active ingredient. Major, longstanding interest relates to curcumin’s effect on oxidative stress, joint inflammation, and hepatoprotection, but in...

Natural Actives Lend Color to Cosmetics and More

The market for natural colors in cosmetics continues to expand worldwide on account of increased awareness among consumers of side effects associated with prolonged use of some synthetic coloring compounds, and the current trend towards healthful, natural ingredients in cosmetics. Manufacturers seek natural coloring materials that offer additional multi-functional effects...

Targeting Optimal Nutrient Bioavailability

Optimal nutrition is the key to a healthy being, changes in life style and dietary habits have been recognized as main reasons for several chronic disorders and diseases. Today we are overfed and under nourished and hence it becomes very important for us to compensate the lack of nutrients in...

Bi-Layer Joint Health Tablets

With a rise in aging population, and an increase in obesity the world over, it’s critical to look at one of the leading causes of disability, in particular among US adults – arthritis. Arthritis is an umbrella term encompassing numerous conditions affecting joints and connective tissues. Currently, a little over...

Innovative Ingredients In Support of Weight Management

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million adults are obese, and 9 million adults are severely obese. One-third of the Americal adult poplulation is affected by obesity each year and is increasing. The definition of obesity...

TetraPure® - Skin. Hair. Nails. Naturally

TetraPure® is standardized for a minimum of 99% of Tetrahydrocurcumin (1, 7-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3, 5-heptanedione). It is known to exhibit similar physiological and pharmacological actions as curcumin, in some cases even better. A mycosis (plural / mycoses) is a fungal infection affecting both humans and animals. Approximately 90% of fungal skin infections...

Natural Pterostilbene - Bioactive Phytonutrient

What do healthful berries, red wine, and an Ayurvedic medicinal preparation for cardiovascular wellness, Drakshasava, have in common? A high content of stilbenes (phenylpropanoid compounds), notably resveratrol and its analogue pterostilbene, that are known to have diverse pharmacological activities (Roupe, et al., 2006). Several phenylpropanoids are antimicrobial compounds, secondary metabolites...

Saberry™: ORAC Dense Phytonutrient™

Saberry is a proprietary, patent pending, extract of fruits of Emblica officinals Gaertn. (synonymous with Phyllanthus emblica) (Euphorbiaceae), more commonly known as, Indian Gooseberry. The fruits of Emblica officinals Gaertn. Known in India as Amla (Sanskrit name Amalaki), are consumed as fruit, or in the form of products. In the...

Curcuminoids From Curcuma Longa In Disease Prevention & Treatment

The inflammatory cycle is often treated with a “band‐aid” type approach to quell immediate pain. However it is inflammation as a lingering, rather than an acute process that is increasingly attracting attention. It is considered as the root‐cause of many diseases that remain poorly understood or treated. Cardiovascular disease, a...

Boost Your Resilience

In the 1950’s endocrinologist Hans Selye described stress as “the consequence of the failure to adapt to change, specifically the inability to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined.” It is a logical inference, therefore, that coping with stress involves approaches that boost...

The Nourishment Factor - Cococin

Coconut water, the liquid endosperm of green coconuts (Cocos nucifera), is a refreshing natural beverage, an oral rehydrating agent, and a supplement in nutrient media for tissue culture. Coconut water is often described as a “natural isotonic sports drink”, providing higher amounts of electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium than...

Ensure Summertime Health with Phytonutrients and Dietary Interventions

Adequate hydration is important at all times, however summer activities and warm temperatures enhance the requirement for electrolytes and water in the body. Sports drinks help to replace lost fluid and electrolytes, and natural coconut water is the healthful option. In addition to quenching thirst and replenishing electrolytes, the nutrients...

Gammaglutamyl Dipeptides and Amines

γ‐glutamyl dipeptides (γ‐Glu AA) are defined in this context as the compounds derived by the acylation of an amino acid (AA) through the γ‐carboxyl carbon of L‐glutamic acid. The resulting amide linkage has sometimes been referred as a pseudo‐peptide bond. The general structure of a typical γ‐ glutamyl dipeptide. The...

Phytonutrients & Nutritional Interventions to Support Cardiovascular Health & Wellness

Lipids present in the blood and tissues of the body include cholesterol, cholesterol esters, triglycerides, and phospholipids. Since lipids are insoluble in blood (plasma), they must be transported to and from the cells by special carrier molecules, the lipoproteins. Abnormal lipoprotein or lipid metabolism may induce hyperlipidemia, or “high cholesterol”...


Trying to get rid of extra pounds is a challenge, but one well worth taking. Aside from the aesthetic aspect, obesity causes numerous avoidable health problems. Dieting can create difficulties as well, and weight lost this way is often regained. A weight-loss program should seek to restore health and help...

A Lighter Skin Tone

Skin lightening products form a major segment of cosmetic products worldwide and carry with them the promise of flawless skin free from age spots, blemishes and scars. Whatever the color of the skin, it is susceptible to damage due to environmental agents, physiological changes and psychological factors. The demand for...

Personal Care Preservatives

The need to control microbial activity is inherent in two major facets of personal care, namely, antimicrobial care wherein the product helps to retard the growth of topical pathogens or eliminates them, and preservatives that retard the growth of microbes in personal care product formulations. In recent years, there has...

Tetrahydrocurcuminoids CG - Overview

Tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC)*, a colorless hydrogenated product derived from the yellow curcuminoids, (the biologically active principles from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa), function as efficient antioxidant compounds. The superior antioxidant property of THC, combined with the lack of yellow color, render this product useful in achromatic food and cosmetic applications that...

Aging, Biomorphosis, Life Span And Phytonutrients

Aging in mammals is characterized by senescence, a decline in physiological functions resulting from cumulative damage to tissues that overwhelms the body's natural ability to repair them. Eventually, essential organs and systems begin to degenerate, resulting in chronic diseases and break down of normal body functions. A large disparity in...

Green Coconut Water

Coconut water, the liquid endosperm of green coconuts (Cocos nucifera), is a refreshing beverage, a natural rehydration medium, and is used as a supplement in nutrient media for tissue culture. Because it offers higher amounts of electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium than regular sports drinks, coconut water is known...

Phytonutrients & Nutritional Interventions for Natural Immune Support

Fall is almost here, and so are seasonal allergies, for some. Allergens appear almost everywhere at any given time of the year, in the form of dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, pollen, insect bites, common household chemicals, medications, or food components. According to previous survey estimates, allergies affect as...

Policosanol - Naturally Healthful From The Inside & Out

Policosanol is a natural mixture of higher aliphatic alcohols, found in plant waxes. Sugarcane wax is a common commercial source. The components of policosanol include 1-octacosanol, 1- dotriacontanol, 1-tetracosanol, 1-tetratria-contanol, 1-hexacosanol, 1- heptacosanol and 1-nonacosanol. This mixture of alcohols is clinically proven to be effective in maintaining normal cholesterol levels....

Phytonutrients & Nutritional Interventions to Support a Healthy Body Weight & Composition

It is the holiday season, a time for food and festivity. It is also that time of the year when it becomes all too easy to pack on those pounds and join the growing ranks of the overweight and obese. This paper presents selected clinically tested dietary interventions which when...


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  • +91 80 6852 7706
  • info@sami-sabinsagroup.com


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