Garcinia Cambogia is a small medium sized tree native to Southeast Asia
The dried fruit rind of G. cambogia is commonly used, particularly in India, as a food preservative, flavoring agent and carminative
Fruit from this plant is included in the United States Department of Agriculture's inventory of perennial edible fruits of the tropics
The active ingredient of the fruit responsible for flavoring and other properties has been identified as (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA)
Citrin®K, an extract prepared from the dried fruit rind of G. cambogia, is a creamy white, non-fibrous powder without any distinct odor or taste
GRAS Self-Affirmed: August 2007 – as flavoring agent
Use Level: Up to 2,500 ppm in selected non-alcoholic beverages
Safety Level: 60.47 mg/kg bodyweight/day is safe (4.2 g/day for 70 kg person)
Beverages and Beverage Bases
Processed Fruits and Fruit Juices
Special or Spiced Teas
Processed Vegetables and Vegetable Juices